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KC Legends Northland Continuing Tryout Schedule

KC Legends Northland 2022-2023 Continuing Tryouts Schedule

Oak Park High School located at 825 NE 79th Terr, Kansas City, MO 64118

All Continuing Tryouts will be held on the same schedule as the Pre-Tryout Evaluations. June 6th schedule is the same as June 13th, June 7th is the same as June 14th, June 8th is the same as June 15th and June 9th is the same as June 16th. Please follow the schedule below from the week of June 6th - 9th as it will be the same for June 13th - June 16th and also June 20th - 23rd.


For more information please contact our Executive Director of Coaching:

Kyle Hogge  913-851-9898 x222 or at