Legends Library
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The Training Soccer Legends curriculum is truly unique because it relates soccer skill development to the Physical Education principles of transfer of training, (each skill builds upon the next), economy of training, (many things being accomplished at one time), and specificity of training, (everything relates to the sport and has a purpose). It utilizes accepted practice in childhood education and child psychology. It profits from the benefits of skill compounding. It involves the two skills that are easiest to practice at home and most motivating to players. It focuses on the skills that develop great self-belief and leadership. It emphasizes risk and the individual win instead of safety first and the team statistic. It trains the total soccer player not the limited positional player. It trains the ability vital to making big plays that guarantee selection to the higher levels of play, i.e. representative and professional teams. It refutes the instant gratification win now, pay later mentality that permeates modern society. It demands great failure on the road to great success. It creates players of amazing perception and skill. It operant conditions the technical and tactical habits necessary to play at the very top. It recognizes that there s no way any human can learn all the techniques and tactics of soccer before they complete their youth career at age 18, and that attempting to do so will only result in poorly developed skills and little high level tactical understanding. The curriculum first focuses on the technical stage where all players work exclusively on the most creative and difficult skills of the game. It gradually transitions into the 1 v 1 stage where they learn to dominate the immediate opponent. It then changes slowly from the 1 v 1 into the 2 v 2 phase where players are taught to combine with teammates to create, exploit or destroy goal-scoring opportunities. As a result mature Legend trained players are at home in the clutch and feel totally comfortable at both ends of the field with making big plays that determine the outcome of games. The skills are the most difficult but greatest fun. The training area is much smaller than normal. The practices more crowded. We keep stats, demand greedy, ball hog , play, don t use bibs and employ many other out of the box ideas to create the truly complete player. In every practice from the 1 v 1 stage onwards players are challenged maximally in the four key developmental areas of technique, tactics, physiology and psychology. This develops all four key components of soccer simultaneously to the greatest degree in every single practice. As you digest the unique methods described herein your current thoughts and beliefs will be questioned and challenged in ways you have never imagined. However, the confusion, chaos and creativity involved in the Training Soccer Legends way will create, improvisational, tough, quick thinking, soccer geniuses. Open your mind. Read and analyze carefully. Understand and recognize the new truth. If you adopt the original methods set out here, you re in for the ride of your soccer life.
Legendary 1v1 Moves
Soccer games are often decided by a series of 1v1 contests all over the field. The world's best players both past and present like Ronaldo, Maradona, Johan Cruyff, Zidane and Ronaldinho, all had "Legendary 1v1 Moves" that gave them the EDGE over defenders in 1v1 situations. It's these moves that separated them from other players and helped them become the best players in the world.
Now you can take your game to the next level by learning the very same moves used by the world's best players. Practicing and perfecting these Legendary 1v1 Moves will give you improved confidence in your game and make you a better team player by giving you an EDGE over your opponent.
This DVD will show you 15 Legendary 1v1 Moves:
Fake Shot
Pull Back & Play
Maradona Turn
Swivel Stepover
Stop Hop & Roll
Cruyff Turn
Spin Cruyff
Touch Hop/Scissors
You will learn moves to beat an opponent in every game situation. Very detailed coaching points will fully explain how to best understand and perform the moves for optimum performance.
Each Legendary 1v1 Move is shown and described in detail, from different camera angles and in slow motion. Then each Legendary 1v1 Move is broken down and taught in great detail using the, "Four Teaching Phases", so if you are a player you can learn the moves quickly and easily and if you are a coach, you can learn the most effective way to teach your players.
The ideas presented here have been refined and tested for over 30 years by Andy Barney, Author, USSF 'A' License, NSCAA Clinician & Founder of the Kansas City Legends Soccer Club. If you are serious about maximizing your deceptive dribbling skills, tactical speed and gaining an EDGE over your opponents, you are in for the ride of your soccer life!!
For more info on, or to purchase the Legends DVD, visit the World Class Coaching website.
Legends For Life
Andy Barney's new book will be about how to develop Character with a capital C in children. Character of this nature can influence the world in many different and positive ways. This is not to be confused with character with a small c. We refer to jokesters as “Characters”. This is an example of character with a small c. These “characters” will probably not influence the world in meaningful ways. Their contribution may be notable but perhaps not tremendously negative or positive. Deep and abiding Character with a capital C can be optimized in children with extremely diverse genetic imprints and sociological backgrounds. The methods described within are the results of questioning, innovation and practical teaching experience, a developmental process lasting in excess of thirty years during which I have come full circle from the traditional win oriented approach in child sports to a vision of character mentoring that approaches the soccer domain from a wider perspective than the sport itself. The players developed in the years where Character has been the major focus have been bigger “winners” from both a statistical and life perspective.
Training Legendary 1v1 Moves
The second in our DVD series showcasing not only the 15 moves all Legends players accomplish but also demonstrating each of the skills are taught.
See each skill broken down into its most basic steps
Step-by-step guide to walk you through the best methods to teach the moves
Demonstration and explanation of when and where to use each move against and opponent