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2025 Summer 4v4 League

2025 Summer 4v4 League

June 30th - August 24th

Registration Deadline: June 15th

The Soccer Box Northland - 5369 N Antioch Road, Kansas City, MO 64119

 The 4v4 seasonal league is specifically for children of Kindergarten age and older. With the help of our uniquely designed indoor facility, players will receive more than 5 times the number of touches in comparison to a full sized indoor/outdoor field. Our professionally trained coaches are committed to nurturing the self-concept of every child in our program by developing each player's deceptive dribbling and finishing skills. Their focus is to encourage brave, creative leadership in every player. We will support children to dare greatly and not be afraid to make mistakes! As a result, no risk will be feared. This child-first mentality is exclusive to the Legends Soccer Club. Legends players experience no guilt, no shame, and no blame as they become more confident and comfortable with a soccer ball at their feet.

4v4 players will receive a 45 minute practice during the weeknights along with a game on the weekend. All practices and games will have a designated Legends coach provided. We do our best to accommodate teammate requests and build school teams for groups who would like to stay together. Teams will be age and gender specific. This program is the opposite of the typical rec soccer program. The days of players standing in lines, 1 ball for everyone to share, and boring practices are over! Join Future Legends today to ensure the best development for your child.

$189/PLAYER (Price After Deadline: $199/Player)

TEAM REGISTRATION - 6 or 8 game schedules available
$415/TEAM for 6 games
$450/TEAM for 8 games

Deadline to register is July 1st. After the deadline prices will increase to $450 for a 6 game schedule and $485 for 8 games

The difference between Individual Registration and Team Registration: 

Team Registration does not include practice time or a Legends coach. For incoming teams that wish to practice and play together with a Legends coach provided, please register as individuals and contact our Directors to ensure placement of the entire team/group. 


  • 4v4 teams play 6 or 8, 48 minute games.

  • Premier and rec divisions are available

  • Save money with no extra fees, no game cards or player cards. (Just proof of birth)


All practices and games take place in our state of the art training center:

The Soccer Box Northland

5369 NE Antioch Road, Kansas City, MO 64119

Shannon Nekuda
Program Director


Our coaches are committed to nurturing the self-concept of every child in our program by guaranteeing first individual, then team success. Their commitment is to encourage brave, creative leadership in every player. We will support children to dare greatly and not be afraid to make mistakes! As a result no risk will be feared- on or off the field. This child-first mentality is exclusive to the Legends Soccer Club. Legends players experience no guilt, no shame, and no blame!

5369 NE Antioch Road, Kansas City, MO 64119 | | 913 851 9898 x 222